On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 08:15:47PM -0500, Robert McGwier wrote:
> We definitely have work to do.  Portaudio is the ONLY thing I can get to 
> work the PS3 sound system but not in gnuradio.
> The pieces in the bin directory for testing portaudio that open the sink 
> only work.  I can produce tones,  hundreds of tones,  do latency tests, etc.
> gr-audio-XXX fails in all cases, including gr-audio-portaudio.
> I do not believe this is a python issue but I am unsure.  The error 
> message is a bit strange.
> If you download the svn for portaudio, and do configure; make; sudo make 
> install,  it puts the portaudio-2.0.pc in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig 
> unless you specify another prefix.  Portaudio is working on the ps3 and 
> the files in bin that begin patest_(produce a sinusoid of some type) 
> make tones and work.
> Bob

Given that the Python stuff is still broken on PS3, I'm not surprised
than gr-audio-* doesn't work.


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