On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 04:27:37PM -0700, Daniel Garcia wrote:
> --- Eric Blossom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm thinking about requiring GNU make (gmake),
> > instead of trying to
> > work with whatever make we find.
> > 
> I have not run GNU Radio on anything other than Linux
> but have you considered using MPC?
> http://download.ociweb.com/TAO-1.3a/TAO1.3aMakeProjectCreator.pdf
> I don't think it supports everything gmake does but it
> may be good enough. It would also make it easier to
> add support for other compilers down the road.
> -Daniel

Thanks for the pointer.  

FYI, I'm not looking to restructure the autoconf/automake universe,
just to take advantage of a few extensions, particularly for stuff
where there's no or poor support from automake.


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