I noticed that in ticket:142 < http://www.gnuradio.org/trac/ticket/ 142 >, which is part of the "GNU make extensions" issue of this email, the end result is:
"   * status changed from assigned to closed.
    * resolution set to wontfix.
    GNU make has become a required tool."

I haven't changed the way I'm doing the bootstrap, and am still getting these messages ... yet the compile still works [0] on OSX, so in what way has "GNU make" become a required tool, or is it in the process of? Thanks! - MLD

[0] At least for the GNU make extension found in gr-trellis, so I presume it also would for gr-qtgui, though I haven't gotten the dependencies to compile just yet so I don't know this for a fact.

On Apr 17, 2007, at 2:39 PM, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
I'll take care of these, but please enter it in Trac.

Michael Dickens wrote:
Now that gr-qtgui is back, I again get the 3 "comments" when
bootstrapping from there, as well as 1 from gr-trellis (which has been all along). Can someone correct this (I've written before about it), or
should I enter it into Trac as a low-priority fix?  I'm sure it's
something simple, but I won't be able to get to it for at least 1.5
weeks. - MLD

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