Steve Bunch wrote:
> What I noticed eventually by accident was that the beagled background
> process, which is enabled by default in Fedora Core 6, kicks in when the
> console of the Linux box goes idle for a while (screen saver kicks in),
> and wants to consume 100% of CPU time to index my files.  The CPU
> scheduling interference with GNURadio, due to the default time-sharing
> scheduling regime both were running under, was causing the audio sinking
> to get behind.  Turning off the beagled default startup has made the
> overrun problem disappear.  (As would running GNUradio with RT
> scheduling priority, which I'd be doing in production use.)

This may explain some weird behavior I saw with USRP input overruns
suddenly occuring several minutes after the start of a GNURadio program.

73 Eric

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