Matt Ettus wrote:
> Bandwidth:
>     When Maxim states that their maximum LPF bandwidth is 33 MHz, they
> mean one-sided bandwidth (i.e. 0 to 33 MHz).  Since it is used in a
> direct conversion IQ system, that actually gives a 66 MHz bandwidth (-33
> MHz to +33 MHz).  Since that is beyond nyquist for our ADC, I spec to 60
> MHz (+/- 30 MHz).
>     On the low end, they specify 4 MHz, which is really 8 MHz (+/-4 MHz)
> of RF bandwidth.  The filter is actually capable of going to a much
> narrow frequency, but it is outside of Maxim's specs, since nobody in
> the small satellite dish market cares about less than 8 MHz of BW.  So I
> spec that it goes down to 1 MHz wide.  It should be noted that when you
> go below 4 MHz wide (2 MHz in Maxim-speak) that your noise floor will
> rise a bit and phase noise may also rise.
> Matt

I assume the parameter for the setbw function is the double-sided
bandwidth and not Maxim-speak?

73 Eric

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