
I finally checked in the infamous Mode Select code to
branches/developers/wb1hbu/wip and I am glad this portion is done.

I spent a couple of days cleaning the code up a little.  I also added
some features.  Likely I missed using a few neat gnuradio functions.

There is a usrp_oscope_ms.py program that displays the Mode Select
signal, Reference Level, and Attributes.  Triggering off of channel 2
(Reference Level) allows the display of Mode Select waveforms.  I made
the attributes go negative so they are more visible.  I was surprised at
the results.

The usrp_mode_s_logfile.py program outputs Mode Select frame information
to a log file.  It does no decoding of the data.  It logs the data bits
and other attributes of the signal and error correction.  It is a good
program to run if you are in a heavy air traffic area and want to
generate megabytes of text within an hour.

73 Eric

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