
You can pack "Hello World" string as paylaod then use send_pkt(payload) on
the transmiter side. similarly unpack the payload at reciever to convert
into string.

you need to use same formating for pack and unpack at Tx & Rx respectively.
I am assuming you are using packet radio.


On 7/6/07, Meenaktchi Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When we send and recieve using USRP boards and GNU SDR, on the recieve
side usrp setup, demodulator connects to gr_correlate_access_code_bb which
connects to framer_sink. framer_sink pushes the assembled packets into the
target queue. Can we extract the pkt here to read the data? How can we send
a "Hello World" string on the transmit side usrp sdr setup?

Any suggestions?


On 7/6/07, Chris Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I was about to ask a similar question:  "Has anyone implemented
> a simple RTTY mode?"  I suspect keyboard to keyboard RTTY would
> be the simplest possible "Hello World" type example.
> --- Meenaktchi Venkatachalam < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > When I have 2 SDR setup, I was looking to send some data/string like
> > "Hello
> > World" from one of them and recieve it on the other setup. Are there
> > any scripts existing already?
> Chris Albertson
>   Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Office: 310-336-5189   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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