
First of all, excuse me for this beginner's question. Furthermore this is a
little bit offtopic.

I have copied gr-howto-write-a-block and adapted everything to my needs.
Now, in the Makefiles, it says "This file is part of GNU Radio". But my
project is not part of the GNU Radio framework, and I don't think that I
should claim it is.

Do I have to keep the copyright notice in the Makefile, since it has been
there, and add a note that there are changes? I mean, it is clear that there
are changes. A Makefile has to be modified, sources added etc. Or do I put
my own GPL-Note with my applications name?

It's only about the Makefiles (.am etc.).

(I tried to google for it, but my keywords are not that precise)

Thank you very much
Great work!


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