Bahn William L Civ USAFA/DFCS schrieb:
I would prefer to use the constants that have been set up so that the
code is (1) more readable, and (2) more maintainable. So instead of
using "8" for complex, I would like to use gr.sizeof_"whatever". But I
don't know what "whatever" needs to be. Where do I find this?
Python has nice reflection/inspection capabilities, so you're able to
list the content of a package. Doing this "by hand" is somewhat
cumbersome, have a look at the module inspect[0].
I would recommend to use pyalamode from the wxPython project (should be
packaged in a decent distribution, like python-wxtools in Debian[1])
pyalamode allows you to browse packages and does autocompletion, so you
type "gr.sizeof_" and get a list of all available sizeof_<type>s.
Patrick asdf
Engineers motto: cheap, good, fast: choose any two
Patrick Strasser <patrick dot strasser at tugraz dot at>
Student of Telematik, Techn. University Graz, Austria
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