On Wednesday 05 September 2007 04:03:23 Johnathan Corgan wrote:
> Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:
> > Can we also add a switch that enables building individual modules
> > "outside" the source tree the way it was prior to GNU-Radio 3.0.2?
> The way it was prior to 3.0.2 (or maybe it was 3.0.3) was broken.  The
> 'make check' process could fail because of linkage outside the tree vs.
> inside during a build.

That's why I suggested a configure argument switch, which is disabled by 
default. It would make life lot easier for package builder, well at least for 
those that do not want to build monolithic packages. Its easy to implement 
and has no impact on current methodology whatsoever, as it would require a 
conscious decision in getting this wrong!

> > This will allow building packages as individual modules.
> I understand the benefit this would have; we will at least reexamine it
> after the 3.1 release, but no promises.

You make my request sound like a complex issue similar to that of an API 
change. It merely adds another configure option, which only requires a couple 
of minor changes in the configure script and Makefile.common file.

cheerio Berndt

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