Marcus Leech wrote:
> Jeffrey Karrels wrote:
>> I am looking for some design suggestions for a multi-carrier
>> transmitter with one daughterboard. I took a look at the hardware and
>> software yesterday. From my understanding it looks like I would have
>> to write a DUC in the FPGA that would mix and combine my multiple
>> channels. I actually want to transmit the same data on all channels...
>> Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has looked into this or if there
>> has been any work in this area?
> If all your carriers are within the bandwidth of a USRP transmit stream,
> then you simply generate your signals,
>   combine them mathematically in the host, then send the composite
> signal to the USRP to transmit.
> Assuming that the host host has enough computrons to compute the
> required math for multiple carriers, it
>   should work just fine.

Yes.  And if your carriers are evenly spaced and have enough guard band
between them, there is a very computationally efficient way of using an
IFFT to do this already in the software (blks.synthesis_filterbank).

Johnathan Corgan
Corgan Enterprises LLC

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