The GNU Radio trunk repository has been updated with the following changes:

* Final gr.top_block and gr.hier_block2 implementation inside

* Implementation of gr.hier_block2 versions of all the old-style blocks
  in blks.  These live in blks2.

* Addition of gr.hier_block2 based versions of gr-wxgui blocks

* Conversion of all the example code in gnuradio-examples to use this
  new code

* Conversion of all the gr-utils scripts to use the new code

The OFDM examples and related hierarchical blocks have not yet been
converted.  Code in the rest of the tree that is outside the core and
example components has also not yet been converted.

This has been done in a way that preserves all the existing
functionality; you have to try in order to end up using the new style
stuff.  So existing, unchanged user code *should* not be affected.

Release 3.1 will be the stable release that introduces this new code,
and will also be the series that allows you to continue to use the old
code. In release 3.2, we will be removing the old-style gr.flow_graph
and gr.hier_block implementation, so you'll need to have ported your own
code by then.

Until we have a porting guide written, your best place to understand the
changes is to peruse the examples and blks2impl directories.

For users who already have a copy of the trunk checked out, compiled,
and installed, it is *required* that you do:

$ sudo make uninstall
$ make distclean
$ svn up

...then build from scratch.  There have been directory and filename
changes; without uninstalling and cleaning first, you will get a mix of
old and new on your system.

This merge is the last remaining major update to the trunk before
release 3.1.  Please help to stabilize it by reporting bugs (and I'm
sure there will be many) on the list or in Trac.

Johnathan Corgan
Corgan Enterprises LLC

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