
Is there a documentation for these new features found in 3.1 ?



Johnathan Corgan-2 wrote:
> GNU Radio Release 3.1.0rc0 is now available for testing:
> http://gnuradio.org/releases/gnuradio/gnuradio-3.1.0rc0.tar.gz
> http://gnuradio.org/releases/gnuradio/gr-howto-write-a-block-3.1.0rc0.tar.gz
> In addition, binary installation packages now exist for Ubuntu Linux
> (Debian soon), eliminating the need to install build tools and compile
> GNU Radio from scratch on this platform.
> Release 3.1 is the new "stable" branch.  Dot releases in this branch
> will only contain bug fixes and new functionality; no changes will be
> made that will break existing code compiled against any 3.1.x version.
> These release candidate tarballs are a snapshot of the current
> development trunk, with the experimental and in-development features
> removed.  The status of this branch is maintained at:
> http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/Release3.1Branch
> As always, it is strongly recommended you completely uninstall any
> existing version of GNU Radio prior to installing a new version.
> Please test and report your successes and failures on the list or in
> Trac.  Documentation about the differences between the 3.0 and 3.1
> release branches will be added to the release notes as things crisp up.
> GNU Radio now has experimental binary and source packages in the Debian
> repository format. These allow you to install GNU Radio onto an Ubuntu
> Linux or native Debian (soon) distribution without having to
> perform a source compilation of the tree. In addition, the system
> package manager is able to identify which runtime dependencies are
> needed such that these get installed automatically when the GNU Radio
> packages are installed.
> Currently, binary and source packages are available for the Ubuntu 7.04
> (Feisty) Linux distribution, both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. These
> packages may work with other Debian derivative operating systems;
> however, this is untested. Packages for Debian Etch will be forthcoming
> but are not in the repository yet.
> Package files have been created for both the 3.1 stable release branch
> and the unstable development trunk. The stable packages will only be
> updated at each stable "dot" release. Packages from the trunk will be
> updated on an irregular basis until we get the package build process
> automated.
> Documentation on how to install from the new package repository is here:
> http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/DebianPackages
> (Note: We are looking for volunteers who are knowledgeable with the RPM
> format.)
> Enjoy.
> -- 
> Johnathan Corgan
> Corgan Enterprises LLC
> http://corganenterprises.com
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