On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 05:13:33PM -0400, Jared Jensen wrote:

> What are the proper mux settings for one DBSRX in RXA and one DBSRX
> in RXB?  When I used a single DBSRX in RXA 0x00000010 worked well.
> But now I want Channel 0 to be RXA, and Channel 1 to be RXB both of
> which are I and Q, and not swapped.
> So far anything other than 0x32103210 or 0x00000010 produces dirty
> output with random-looking noise in the data.
> Jared

If you're using a single channel, usrp.determine_rx_mux_value will get you
the right answer, regardless of the type of daughterboard.

On the DBSRX, 0x00003210 (or for that matter 0x32103210) will set you
up with side A routed to channel 0 and side B routed to channel 1.

See http://gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/UsrpRfxDiagrams
and http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classusrp__standard__rx.html


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