On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 10:39:13AM -0400, Alex Young wrote:
> Hi,
> for background info, I am running ubuntu 7.04.  my gnuradio code is 
> laest development branch downloaded and installed about two weeks ago.  
> I got it compiled and installed without any problems. 
> however, i do have a problem now:  i have written a block that takes in 
> two bytes and outputs three bytes, something i'm calling 
> gr_interp_test_bb.  I've gotten the .cc, .h and .i files in 
> /gnuradio-core/src/lib/general.  I have edited the general.i and 
> Makefile.am  and inserted the names of my files at the appropriate places. 
> When I run make and make install from /gnuradio-core/src/lib, i can not 
> see any errors in the ouptut text.  however, i then run python from the 
> command line, and enter "from gnuradio import gr" and this is what i get:

You need to make install from gnuradio-core.  You're not rebuilding
the swig glue.


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