Hi all,
inspired by the question of George Nychis I extended the usrp_oscope.py script 
to enable dualchannel and complex mode for basicRX and LFRX.

You can find a patch and the complete modified script at:

You can copy the new script or apply the patch to your current 
The patch should apply cleanly if you have version 3.1 of gnuradio.

There are two new commandline options:
  -C, --basic-complex   Use both inputs of a basicRX or LFRX as a single
                        Complex input channel
  -D, --basic-dualchan  Use both inputs of a basicRX or LFRX as seperate Real
                        input channels

With --basic-complex both inputs of a basicRX or LFRX are enabled to form a 
single complex channel (I=input A, Q=input B)
With --basic-dualchan both inputs are treated seperately and so you get two 
input real channels. (I1=input A, Q1=0, I2=input B, Q2=0)

The difference between the two options becomes clear when you set a nonzero 
With the dualchannel option you can set the frequence for each channel 
With the complex option you can set only one frequency. If you set this to 
nonzero, this is only usefull if you actually have an I and Q signal
connected to both inputs.


Below is the original question which inspired m to write this modification.

George Nychis wrote:
> Hey all,
> On the basic daughterboards, if I connect two coax cables to TX-A and
> TX-B on a single daughterboard and transmit, I can view the transmission
> using an oscope on both connectors.  In other words, it doesn't matter
> which of the two ports I connect to.
> However, if I fire up the GNU Radio oscope with a BasicRX, I must
> connect either TX-A or TX-B to RX-A.  Is RX-B disabled by default?  Is
> it possible to enable RX-A and RX-B?
> Thanks!
> George
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