On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 03:47:45PM -0700, Shirve wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am a starter for software radio. I have made the setup (USRP hardware
> "RFX1200, Basic-Tx and Basic-Rx daugherboards" from ettus and Ubuntu 7.04
> with all the dependencies installed as per gnuradio-wiki build guide) with
> gnuradio-3.0.4 stable release version and tested the USRP hardware with
> sample programs (test_counting.py and benchmark_usb.py).
> I ran into an error when i tried following sample program. 
> $ ./usrp_wfm_rcv.py -f 91M
> Using RX d'board B: Basic Rx
> >>> gr_fir_ccf: using SSE
> >>> gr_fir_fff: using SSE
> audio_alsa_sink[hw:0,0]: unable to support sampling rate 32000
>   card requested 44100 instead.


  $ ./usrp_wfm_rcv.py -f 91M -O plughw:0,0

Also, you may want to consider using 3.1.0 stable release.


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