Guys [+girls?],
I'm new to the list.  I joined because I do research in signal processing
(speech recognition) and I have the idea
that it ought to be possible to use statistical signal processing to get
much better FM radio reception than a normal tuner.
I basically want to process the quadrature output (the 2 signals that you
get out after multiplying by sin + cos and
lopass filtering) in a different way, not just doing atan but doing a bunch
of predictive modeling at that stage, assuming
the signal is a mix of multiple stations + noise, and trying to separate the
signals out.
I want to ask this list two things:
(1) is anyone aware of anyone having tried something like this in the past
(or know what search
terms I might use to find this out), and
(2)  Could anyone give me to work with, the sampled output at the quadrature
stage (I assume this would be something
like 2 synchronized .wav or a stereo .wav file (does it support stereo?),
sampled at quite a high frequency).
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