Dear Aadil and dear all,

 Thank you for your answer. 

 I work on the opportunist access to UHF bands and I try to detect the channels 
where a DVB-T (HDTV ?) signal is present (thanks to some correlation methods). 
I then compare the power of the received signal in the bands where I have 
detected a DVB-T signal. Nevertheless, I am facing some issues with the signal 
dynamic range.

 In fact, whatever the value of PGA, I get a signal with a very low dynamic 
range (663 "states"). I guess this is due to the artefact at the beginning of 
the received signal which has a very high amplitude (close to 6000 - the 
maximal value reached by the "informative" signal is only 300). I would hence 
know is there is a way to reinitialise the AGC to improve the dynamic range of 
the useful part of the signal (that I get with the script 

 I realised that I don't use the last version of GNU Radio (3.0.4 instead of 
3.1.1). Maybe an update will fix this issue... If you know an alternative 
solution, it would be welcome !

 Thanks for your help,



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