ChoJin - I'm glad to hear you have GNU Radio installed and running on Leopard. Here is some further information that you might have found useful; and from which others might benefit.

On Jan 9, 2008, at 7:23 PM, ChoJin wrote:
2) Leopard / Darwin 9 changes the way threads work enough that the
fast-USB code for GNU Radio needed to be updated.  These updates are
not yet in the SVN trunk.  In the mean time, use SVN and the
following branch: usrp_fusb_fix was missing so I had to generate it (but for that I had to
copy from libtool)

I should have mentioned, but thought it was obvious, that this SVN branch requires the "usual" sequence for compilation of the trunk - which is slightly different than a numbered release -, typically:

sh bootstrap
make check
sudo make install

If you're using just MacPorts, then the first line needs to be changed to (something like):

sed -e '[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]' bootstrap > bootstrap_mp
sh bootstrap_mp

because 'GNU libtool' conflicts with 'Apple libtool', and is thus renamed to 'glibtool' (and so forth for related executables). This sequence should generate the '' file and all of the other files / links needed to make, check, and install this branch.

If you're using MacPorts then all of the dependencies for GNU Radio can be installed easily:

pkgconfig, automake, swig, libusb, guile, numpy, cppunit, fftw-3- single, wxpython, doxygen, boost, subversion, and sdcc

If you're using an Intel-Mac, then follow the instructions found on the GNU Radio Wiki page for MacInstall < wiki/MacInstall >, to get the correct version of SDCC.

I highly recommend using a single source for all of the background dependencies, to avoid confusion (what is installed where and by whom) and improve ease of updating to more recent versions.

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