I'm working (again) on the MacPorts port and files associated with GNU Radio, playing with GNU Radio's "Build Configuration" options in order to get a separate package for each component (e.g. one each for "gnuradio-core", "usrp", "gr-usrp", and so forth). I note that on the BuildConfiguration wiki page < http://www.gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/ BuildConfiguration >, under "WARNING" it reads:

"Individual GNU Radio components may depend upon other components (such as gnuradio-core) to successfully compile. In particular, during a build the library and include search paths point to the current build tree, not the system installation path. So one will need to either have compiled the dependent components already in a prior build (not necessary to install them), or one will have to build all the related components at once."

While this is desirable from the perspective of maintaining consistency among the various components (same version, or save SVN revision; when one is updated, the other will be recompiled as well, and so forth), it makes building separate components somewhat of a PITA when using MacPorts:

* creating the gnuradio-core package requires just omnithread, which is fine since that's not a big extra compile, but ...

* creating the gr-usrp package requires the (re)compilation of usrp, gnuradio-core, and omnithread .. which is "up there" in terms of time because of (re)compiling gnuradio-core.

For MacPorts, I don't have the option of re-using a single compiled trunk or tarball; I have to recompile everything for each component. While I can write Portfile's that can do this, it would be easier if there was a way around it - using some specific CONFIGURE options or MAKE environment variables that do allow for compiling just the component itself instead of it and all of its dependencies (which are already installed by MacPorts).

Anyone know how to do this, or is it really just impossible? - MLD

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