
I don't have a copy of matlab with me so this is going by memory.  Try this
in matlab to generate
a file of floats

my_data = rand(1000,1);
fid = fopen("foo.dat","w");
fwrite(fid, my_data, "float32");


On Jan 28, 2008 6:55 PM, Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for your help! (Yey!) But I have another problem. It doesn't read
> the file correctly.
> For your info, the file has been generated by MATLAB using the "-ascii"
> setting. Therefore the file contents look something like this.
> 1.7011476e+000 -1.6834541e+000  2.6309809e+000  2.1425840e+000 -
> 2.0272687e+000 -2.0880410e+000  2.0832361e+000 -1.8686237e+000
> 1.9233531e+000  3.0267080e+000
> Should I change the contents of the input file so that GNU Radio can read
> it properly?
> Thanks!
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