
I have been doing some radio astronomy experiments with USRP using a
30 MHz dipole antenna (actually it is more of a riometer experiment).
I am running into various interference issues. E.g., at one point I
noticed that if my laptop power supply is too close to my USRP I get
switching power supply harmonics in my signal. At other times I have
been pretty sure that the inteference comes through my antenna.

Here is what I have been thinking to combat the interference problems:

1. Locate antenna at about 100-200 m away from any electronic devices
(except for the antenna preamp)
2. Locate USRP as far as possible from electronic devices (is 5m
really the maximum distance, or is there some other trick?)
3. Obviously filter and amplify signal properly before putting it in
4. Use well regulated and filtered power supplies for amplifiers and USRP

Anything else that I should take into account? I don't have that much
experience with minimizing interference, except for the things that I
have learned during the last couple of weeks while experimenting.


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