On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 03:23:27PM -0700, rick zhang wrote:
> >
> > Hello folks,
> > I want to try some working transmitter and receiver GSR package. It seems
> > most emails in the archive are talking about receiving while I'm interested
> > in both transmitting and receiving.  I prefer to have a system with a
> > bandwidth of 8 MHz, but I'm willing to settle for 6 MHz if it is the best
> > the current USRP can do. I have tried the BBN package and want to try
> > something else.
> >
> > Any suggestion is welcome!
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Junxing

Try the code in gnuradio-examples/python/digital, and be sure to read

[EMAIL PROTECTED] digital]$ ./benchmark_tx.py --help
Usage: benchmark_tx.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODULATION, --modulation=MODULATION
                        Select modulation from: cpm, d8psk, qam8, dbpsk,
                        dqpsk, gmsk [default=gmsk]
  -s SIZE, --size=SIZE  set packet size [default=1500]
                        set megabytes to transmit [default=1.0]
  --discontinuous       enable discontinous transmission (bursts of 5 packets)
                        use file for packet contents
  -f FREQ, --freq=FREQ  set Tx and/or Rx frequency to FREQ [default=none]
  -r BITRATE, --bitrate=BITRATE
                        specify bitrate.  samples-per-symbol and interp/decim
                        will be derived.
  -T TX_SUBDEV_SPEC, --tx-subdev-spec=TX_SUBDEV_SPEC
                        select USRP Tx side A or B
  --tx-amplitude=AMPL   set transmitter digital amplitude: 0 <= AMPL < 32768
  -v, --verbose

    -S SAMPLES_PER_SYMBOL, --samples-per-symbol=SAMPLES_PER_SYMBOL
                        set samples/symbol [default=none]
    --tx-freq=FREQ      set transmit frequency to FREQ [default=none]
    -i INTERP, --interp=INTERP
                        set fpga interpolation rate to INTERP [default=none]
    --log               Log all parts of flow graph to file (CAUTION: lots of
                        make sequential packets use different whitening
                        set RRC excess bandwith factor [default=0.35] (PSK)
    --no-gray-code      disable gray coding on modulated bits (PSK)
    --bt=BT             set bandwidth-time product [default=0.35] (GMSK)
    -B FUSB_BLOCK_SIZE, --fusb-block-size=FUSB_BLOCK_SIZE
                        specify fast usb block size [default=0]
    -N FUSB_NBLOCKS, --fusb-nblocks=FUSB_NBLOCKS
                        specify number of fast usb blocks [default=0]

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