Hi there,

I've been looking through the USRP2 gigabit ethernet code, and had a few

I noticed that the code for the USRP2 uses the open source gigabit ethernet
IP core from opencores.org but that it has an additional "Wishbone compliant
core host interface" (specifically I'm looking at MAC_top.v ) that isn't
present in the version available from opencores.org. I'm not terribly
familiar with Wishbone, and I'm having some trouble identifying its role in
the USRP2 code I'm looking at - I saw that it's supposed to be a standard
interface between IP cores.  It looks like the Wishbone inputs/outputs are
tied to the internal signals for the IP core - so is  it supposed to be some
way of defining which registers, etc on the  physical hardware get used for
the registers, etc in the core? If so, does that mean that anyone that uses
that core needs to use the Wishbone interface?

 Thank you!
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