On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 1:09 PM, Greg Troxel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  There are several issues.  One is following the proprietary program's
>  license, and another is complying with the GPL, which requires that all
>  of any derivative work be licensed under the GPL.
>  Then, there's the cultural issue of accomodating non-Free software
>  within the context of a Free Software project.  Many people believe that
>  it's not helpfully on the path to a world where we can do everything we
>  want with Free software, and that seems to be more or less the view of
>  the FSF.  Of course it depends on your goals, but I thought I should
>  point out this issue.

Even ignoring the philosophy and licensing legalities .. it would
simply stink if folks were writing and GNU RADIO blocks using non-free
middle environments that most of the GNU RADIO users couldn't use.
Much better to shimmy in octave. Hopefully most matlab code should run
with little modification.

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