On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 11:38 AM, Jeff Brower <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I understand completely your viewpoint.  However, let me point out that one 
> of your key objectives should be to
>  increase popularity of GNU Radio software.  One way to do this is to 
> encourage and support GNU Radio software examples
>  that interface with MATLAB in some way.
>  There is no denying that 1000s of developers are using MATLAB as a tool to 
> develop radio and other RF applications.
>  I'm active on MATLAB lists and forums, and besides commercial developers, I 
> see literally 10s of student questions
>  about RF projects every day. OFDM, MIMO, xxSK, you name it... Professors 
> have assigned them to do it.
>  If you can draw those developers and students (and Profs) into the GNU Radio 
> environment and introduce them to what
>  you're doing, it will only serve to further your goals.

Which is a role which the Octave embedding interface should be able to
serve reasonably well, without bumping into the philosophical (and
potentially legal) problems of linking matlab into GNU Radio.

If octave didn't exist then perhaps the argument would be different
... But octave does exist and it is largely matlab compatible .. So to
support embedding matlab in-lieu of octave wouldn't just be
gratuitously promoting propritary software, it would be promoting
propritary software to the exclusion of free software.

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