On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 03:45:56PM -0400, Kevin Rudd wrote:
> I know no one asked for it, but I am going to throw my two cents in on
> this discussion.  
> I model and simulate RF systems in MATLAB all day long.  Some of which
> are very complex.  MATLAB is easy to use and very powerful for that
> purpose.   It would be great to demonstrate the systems using the USRP.
> I bought a USRP and many of the daughter boards.  I played around with
> it and GNU Radio for several months.  Unfortunately, it now sits in my
> office unused.  It is unfortunate, because I know how useful it can be.
> I hope that one day I can use it for my needs.
> Kevin

OK guys,

Thanks for all your comments re MATLAB.

I'm declaring the topic closed.

If somebody wants do do something useful that would forward the
action, I suggest investing the effort required to convert the
daughterboard code to C++.  Johnathan has looked at this, and may
still have a developer branch around somewhere.  If you're interested
in working on this, please post a note to the list, and Johnathan,
Matt or I will give you our two cents worth about how we think it
should work.

Thanks again!


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