Hi All,

I am trying to get some experience of flexrf1800. I am receiving a CW of
1766MHz (from a signal generator) and transmitting a wavefrom at a different
frequency. Now, changing the frequency of the outgoing signal from 1800MHz
to 1900MHz changes the estimated amplitude of ingoing signal by 0.5dB! (yes,
they shouldn't have anything to do with each other, and yes, the SNR is

Could it be that the level of the AGC control signal (of the AD8347) is
affected by the the TX circuitry ? Can the AGC be switched off entirely ?

By the way:
I am using my own C++ driver for the flexrf1800 that I contribute if
somebody wants it. However, it is out of context with the gnu-radio
framework, not properly tested, and is not object oriented.


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