Hi there,

I'd like to use the GigE MAC module for the USRP2 on a piece of (non-USRP2)
hardware, but due to project constraints am not able to use GigE or 100Mbps.
Does the module support 10Mbps? From the comments in the change logs, I'm
guessing not, but just wanted to make sure. From an earlier post on this
discussion board it looked like the USRP2 itself might be able to handle
100Mbps or 10Mbps, so I was curious about the implications for the MAC

If by some chance it does support 10Mbps, would the signal labeled
".Clk_125M" still need to be a 125Mhz clock? Does ".Clk_user" need to be a
100Mhz clock, as in the demo code?

Thanks much!
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