This is the working code but if I comment the last line the scopesink seems
"freezed" and I can' t even close it.


The audio sink effectively throttles your data streams to the "sampling_freq". When you remove the audio sink, the computer has no limitation on the rate at which it streams data from block to block... the CPU usage jumps to 100% and the gui struggles to respond to user input (hence the freezing).

Place a "gr.throttle(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, sampling_rate)" block right after the "gr.sig_source_c" to artificially throttle the data stream.

What's wrong with my code?
Can I use scope_sink_c instead of scope_sink_f? How?

Change the scope to:

scope = scopesink2.scope_sink_c(panel,"Input -> USRP", sampling_freq, num_inputs=1)
self.connect(src0, scope)


Thanks in advance


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