On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 03:32:22PM +0200, Andreas Fernström wrote:
> Problem solved!
> I just had to add /opt/cell/toolchain/bin
> to PATH on the build machine.
> After that, configure-cell-cross, make, 'make check' and 'make install' 
> worked without problems.
> I would however like to point out some things that maybe should be in the 
> wiki:

login:    guest
password: gnuradio

> Next thing would be to get the usrp connected and running, but first
> I'd like to have some sound and display. Anyone that have "been
> there, done that" that could point me in the right direction to get
> those two things working on the PS3, or presented remotely??

Sounds works out of the box if you using -I or -O plughw:0,0 on the
audio examples.  If you want to help make hw:0,0 work drop me a line.
I'll tell you what needs to happen.

For a display, just ssh in to the ps3 from your build host using the
-X option to enable X11 forwarding.


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