Juha Vierinen,

I listed information of beacon channels and 
satellite parameters on the following web page.


Mamoru Yamamoto
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH)
Kyoto University

>On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 13:09, Mamoru Yamamoto
>> Colleagues,
>> I developed "GNU Radio Beacon Receiver" that measures
>> total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere by receiveing
>> 150MHz/400MHz beacon signal from satellites in the low-
>> earth orbit.  Detailed information of the receiver is
>> published in the following URL.
>> http://www.rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp/digitalbeacon/
>> I hope people permit me to call the reciver by this name.
>> I very much enjoy coherent design and stability of
>> the USRP and GNU Radio.  The receivers are now used
>> for real ionospheric studies.  I hope more people would
>> use this receiver.  Thanks GNU Radio!
>Thank you for releasing this. I am interested in doing ionospheric
>tomography with exactly this kind of a receiver. I am waiting for the
>replacement for RFX400 to start toying around with this idea.
>By the way, is there some publication that lists orbital elements and
>frequencies of these beacon satellites?

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