Matt Ettus wrote:
John Ackermann N8UR wrote:
Hi Matt --

Any hints for getting started?  In particular, what needs to be done to
talk to the usrp2 via the ethernet?

The first step is to update to the latest svn for the entire gnuradio tree, and get it all installed. Then, run find_usrps in the usrp2/host/apps directory. You'll need to tell it which ethernet port to use if the USRP2 is not on eth0.

I'm really interested in the spec analyzer you were running.  Is that in
the trunk?  Are there other useful demo apps that have been moved to the

Run, which is found in gr-utils and should also be installed in your path if you did a make install on the full tree.


Thanks for the information. The USRP2 arrived at work while I was on vacation in Romulus (MI, not the planet). I almost got in and out of work to fetch it without getting into anything work-related. I am still on vacation for the next few days but I am required to be the driver for a leaf peeping expedition and to herd some cats to the vet.

I updated my local copy of the the trunk and noticed I do not have mb-gcc to build the USRP2 firmware. Are there currently firmware updates in the trunk that I need? Is there a compiled firmware image in the trunk somewhere?

There does not seem to be a debian package for mb-gcc but I have not really searched.

73 Eric

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