On Sun, 2008-10-12 at 16:19 +0200, Anders Feder wrote:
> Hello,
> In what I assume is a first for GNU Radio, open source Google Lunar X
> Prize contestant Team FREDNET, is planning to use GNU Radio on board
> their spacecraft to the Moon.

Neat for GnuRadio.  

Regarding LunarX, to me anything to do with the Moon just isn't aiming
high enough.  Why not a repair mission to a satellite if we're
going to stay so close to home anyway? Or the Chandra, Hubble, space
station, etc. Space exploration is just stalled. Sad. ...but I digress.

> I've just written an article about a 'communications lab' the team has
> recently set up with GNU Radio software and hardware from Ettus Research
> LLC:
> http://openspacex.wordpress.com/2008/10/11/moon-amateurs-prepare-open-source-communications-lab/
> The efforts to integrate GNU Radio in Team FREDNET's systems is led by
> Alexandru Csete. Team FREDNET is an international open source effort led
> by Fred J. Bourgeois. Volunteers are welcome to join:
> http://www.frednet.com/
> Best regards,

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