On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Francesco B. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Excellent! I've now got ./bootstrap functioning properly, and have narrowed
> the error messages down to two in make, one of which seems like it may have
> been triggered by the other:
> randsig_source_ff.h: In function 'PyObject* _wrap_source_ff(PyObject*,
> PyObject*)':
> randsig_source_ff.h:74: error: too few arguments to function
> 'randsig_source_ff_sptr randsig_make_source_ff(double)'
> randsig.cc:4335: error: at this point in file
> Seems to be expecting another parameter, though I haven't a clue what. In
> every instance randsig_source_ff crops up, it has only the parameter
> d_sampling_freq. The rest are determined by pseudo-randomly generated
> numbers, or fixed to zero (in the case of offset). The .h and .cc are
> attached...
> ~ Francesco
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p20276253/randsig_source_ff.hrandsig_source_ff.h
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p20276253/randsig_source_ff.cc
> randsig_source_ff.cc

Did you make the appropriate changes to the .i files ? You also need to
include your .h file in Makefile.am if I am not mistaken.

In randsig.i you need to have something like

#include "randsig_source_ff.h"


randsig_source_ff_sptr randsig_make_source_ff(double sampling_freq);

class randsig_source_ff : public gr_sync_block

Whatever you want to access from outside

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