teka yemane wrote:

Finally, my USRP and gnuradio are working fine.
now, i am having bad time with installing cygwin
as my clients need the application in windows. Has
any body used cygwin for gnuradio before or is it better
to use MingW? please any body who has got some experience
on this, send me some advice.

I have been using GNU Radio on both. Instructions for installation are given in the wiki (www.gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/WindowsInstall) . The instructions have been tested for release 3.1.3 but will not always work for the svn trunk (because the code changes faster than the wiki). There could also be problems with changes in Cygwin components or in the libraries that GNU Radio depends on.

I think Cygwin is a little easier to start with, though MinGW doesn't change as fast.

If you can be specific about the difficulties you are having, someone may be able to help.

-- Don W.

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