On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Bob McGwier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It appears that TI has withdrawn the free offering of a linux version of its
> compilers that I pointed out earlier (in October)  at this link.
> <https://www-a.ti.com/downloads/sds_support/targetcontent/LinuxDspTools/download.html>
> This is very disappointing.  Without free tools it makes no sense whatsoever
> to use TI parts for our projects (OMAP, etc.).
> They just took a great thing and flushed it down a toilet.

Even if you've missed some detail and they are still available, or TI
has puts them back you should take this as an important reminder:
No-cost software is not the same as Free Software, even for
development tools.  You were always at TI's mercy. :(

When I saw that the beagle-board OMAP had a nice fast c64x my first
question was "Can GCC target this?" when I found out the answer was no
I went no further.  Not because of some blind preference free software
 but because of exactly this practical concern.

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