Thank you Roger for the solution to the problem!

Set your Visual Effects to none in Ubuntu 8.10 for efficient operation.


ARRL SDR Working Group Chair
Member: ARRL, AMSAT, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
" Don't despair, not even over the fact that you don't despair. ", Kafka

-----Original Message-----
Leif Asbrink
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 11:18 AM
Subject: [Linrad] Re: Ubuntu 8.10

Hi Roger,

You have solved the problem:-) My Ubuntu 8.10 installation had
'Visual Effects' set to 'Normal'. That was the reason for
abnormal behaviour.

I have now set visual effects to 'None' and now the computer
has normal behaviour and seems to run as well as with other
distributions. (I have not analyzed timing issues in detail.)
Thank you Roger:-)

                        ---  0  ---

According to public media here in Sweden it seems like the
leading distributions are:


I am using Debian for my daily work, and I have now tested
Ubuntu 8.10 and Mandriva 2009 (the most recent ones) Both of
them (now) run well although I was not able to change the
numbering of my soundcards under Mandriva. ALSA is different 
there somehow.

I will test Fedora and Opensuse also.

Is there anyone on this list who prefers another distribution
than the five mentioned? Slackware, Gentoo, CentOS or something 
else? If you post a message to this list about why you prefer it
I will install it on my multi-partition hard disk and try to 
install Linrad on it to see if there are any surprises...


Leif / SM5BSZ

On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 09:43:03 -0500
w3sz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What follows may or may not be germane to the issue you describe.
> I found that an earlier version of Ubuntu [8.04] installed, by  
> default, here with 'Appearance' extras selected that caused no problem  
> on 'modern' Core2Duo machines but which brought to its knees an old  
> Pentium III that I ran remotely via VNC and using the Gnome desktop.
> The atrocious refresh and HID delays disappeared when I changed the  
> 'appearance
> enhancements' to 'none' by clicking on 'System' then 'Preferences'  
> then 'Appearance' then "Visual Effects', and then clicking to select  
> the 'None' radio button.
> I found that neither 'Normal' or 'Extra' settings of the 'Visual  
> Effects' gave satisfactory performance when the VNC server was active  
> on this old, slow machine.  With the setting of 'None', everything  
> works acceptably.
> Check your 8.10 install and see if something other than 'None' is  
> selected.  If so, select 'None', then recheck your CPU utilization.  I  
> would also suggest rebooting and then checking it again after making  
> the change from either 'Normal' or 'Extra' to 'None'.
> Because you report that 8.04 did not exhibit porcine CPU behavior for  
> you, this issue may not be related to your problem.  On the other  
> hand, it is possible that the 'default' settings of 'Visual Effects'  
> have not remained constant throughout the lifetime of 8.04, and that  
> your default install settings for 8.04 were not identical to mine,  
> thus preventing you from seeing the problem
> with 8.04.
> If the above issue is NOT germane to the problem you described, please  
> accept my apologies for the bandwidth.
> 73,
> Roger Rehr
> W3SZ

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