Hi Everyone,

After removing qt3-mt-dev, gnuradio builds just fine on Ubuntu 8.04. I don't think this is the real solution, but a work around because I at least still have some qt3 legacy code I haven't rewritten in QT4.


Rob, KL7NA

Rob Frohne wrote:
Hi All,

I'm having difficulty compiling in Ubuntu 8.04 because some stuff from QT isn't found, for example, qmemarray.h, which I can find in /usr/include/qt3/qmemarray.h, however, I thought it should be using QT4 instead of QT3, and I have installed qwt 5.0.2-2 from the Ubuntu repository. As of January 2008, the wiki says you must compile from source, but it looks like it is in the repository now. The interesting thing, is I have another machine running 8.10 instead of 8.04, and the header file is only in the same qt3 location there, but it builds just fine. Here is the code calling for that header:

 \def QwtArray
 Aliases QArray (Qt-2.x) and QMemArray (Qt-3.x) to QwtArray
#include <qarray.h>
#define QwtArray QArray
#include <qmemarray.h>
#define QwtArray QMemArray

Perhaps QWT_NO_MEMARRAY is set in 8.10 and not in 8.04.

Any tips would be appreciated.



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