On Mon, 2009-01-26 at 17:04 +1300, Muhammad Abrar wrote:
> when i run this program ithe following ewrror appears, how can i resolve this.
> Nameerror: microtune_eval_board is not defined at line 70:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # simple broadcast FM receiver
> from GnuRadio import *
> #
> # return a gr_FlowGraph
> #
> def build_graph (IF_freq):
>     input_rate = 20e6
>     CFIR_decimate = 125
>     RFIR_decimate = 5
>     fm_demod_gain = 2200
>     quad_rate = input_rate / CFIR_decimate
>     audio_rate = quad_rate / RFIR_decimate
>     volume = 1.0
>     src = GrHighSpeedADCSourceS (input_rate)
>     # compute FIR filter taps for channel selection
>     channel_coeffs = \
>       gr_firdes.low_pass (
>         1.0,          # gain
>         input_rate,   # sampling rate
>         250e3,        # low pass cutoff freq
>         8*100e3,      # width of trans. band
>         gr_firdes.WIN_HAMMING)
>     # input: short; output: complex
>     chan_filter = \
>       GrFreqXlatingFIRfilterSCF (CFIR_decimate,
>                                  channel_coeffs,
>                                  IF_freq)
>     # input: complex; output: float
>     fm_demod = \
>       GrQuadratureDemodCF (volume * fm_demod_gain)
>     # compute FIR filter taps for audio filter
>     width_of_transition_band = audio_rate / 32
>     audio_coeffs = \
>       gr_firdes.low_pass (
>         1.0,            # gain
>         quad_rate,      # sampling rate
>         audio_rate/2 - width_of_transition_band,
>         width_of_transition_band,
>         gr_firdes.WIN_HAMMING)
>     # input: float; output: short
>     audio_filter = \
>       GrFIRfilterFSF (RFIR_decimate, audio_coeffs)
>     final_sink = GrAudioSinkS ()
>     fg = gr_FlowGraph ()
>     fg.connect (src, chan_filter)
>     fg.connect (chan_filter, fm_demod)
>     fg.connect (fm_demod, audio_filter)
>     fg.connect (audio_filter, final_sink)
>     return fg
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     # connect to RF front end
>     rf_front_end = microtune_eval_board ()
>     if not rf_front_end.board_present_p ():
>         raise IOError, 'RF front end not found'
>     # set gain and radio station frequency
>     rf_front_end.set_AGC (300)
>     rf_front_end.set_RF_freq (100.1e6)
>     IF_freq = rf_front_end.get_output_freq ()
>     fg = build_graph (IF_freq)
>     fg.start ()        # fork thread(s) and return
>     raw_input ('Press Enter to quit: ')
>     fg.stop ()
You are using a very very old version of gnuradio.
Please update to the current tarball or svn code:

> -- 
> Engr. Muhammad Abrar
> NewZealand
> Mob: 0064211204202
> Res: 006463586340
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