On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Philip Balister

>  OK, I've updated oe.dev so that you can build gnuradio (r10302) with
> NEON implementation of the fff dotprod. I'm told the files should flow
> into the overo build system soon also.
> To build, (short form for people who can build their own sw), Edit the
> gnuradio_svn.bb and boost_1.36.bb files and comment out the
> DEFAULT_PREFERENCE="-1" lines with a #.
> bitbake gnuradio-image
> wait a long time. After you get it loaded, start testing :)
> dial_tone.py should work and the benchmark for the fff dotproduct
> should give you something like this:
> balis...@beagleboard
> :~/oe/tmp/work/armv7a-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/gnuradio-3.1.3+svnr10302-r6/trunk/gnuradio-core/src/tests$
> ./benchmark_dotprod_fff
>   generic: taps:  256  input: 4e+07  cpu: 1269.242  taps/sec:  8.068e+06
>  cortex_a8: taps:  256  input: 4e+07  cpu: 49.156  taps/sec:  2.083e+08
> Note, I NFS mounted my home dir on teh beagle and ran the benchmark
> command on the build machine first. This needs work :)
> Philip

Okay, thanks again for the help, we will start looking into this procedure
and hopefully have some good results :)

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