Huzzah! It works! I did have the older Flex 2400 daughtercard so I
moved the resistors around and re burned  it. It now works great.
Thanks to everyone who helped out, especially Matt and Jonathan!

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Matt Ettus <> wrote:
> Leslie Choong wrote:
>> Thanks to Johnathan's help it seems my problem is with the USRP2's
>> recognition of the daughterboard. I used a USRP1 Rev 4.1 to flash my
>> FLEX 2400 to the rfx2400 EEPROM using this command:
>> ./burn-db-eeprom -A -t rfx2400 --force
> Also, are X1 and X101 populated on your RFX2400?  If so, you have a very old
> non-MIMO_B version, which is probably why you saw this problem in the first
> place.  If so, you will need to follow the directions here:
> Look under Flex2400.
> Matt

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