Ok - so I have packets coming in from both USRP2's now, getting dumped
to their separate files.
 My app prints out the timestamp of each frame that gets sent to the
copy handler: if my 1PPS source is working properly, should the
timestamps coming out of the two USRP2's be identical?
 Another question: no matter what, there is going to be some time delay
between when I tell one USRP2 to start, and when I tell the other one to
start: with the timestamps I could do something like
align_on_samplenumbers (but with the timestamps - at least I could do
this in the copy handler where I have access to this information). Of
course this requires that the timestamps do end up being based on the
1PPS. Should I take that as a sign my USRP2's are not currently getting
sync'd to the 1PPS?

Doug Geiger
Research Assistant
Communications and Signal Processing Lab
Oklahoma State University

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