
Has anyone updated Thomas Schmid's UCLA_ZigBee_PHY project to work with
top_block and hier_block2 in the current GNU Radio 3.1.3 release? I am in
the beginning of my master's thesis and hoped that I could use Schmid's code
to get started with my implementation of a IEEE 802.15.4 text message
transceiver. I checked out the code from CGRAN: *
https://www.cgran.org/cgran/**projects/ucla_zigbee_phy/trunk ucla_zigbee_phy
* , but unfortunately this code is based on flow_graph and hier_block from
the old trunk...

If no such code exists, is there any guideline available to transform a
project from using hier_block to hier_block2 and flow_graph to top_block? I
am a newbie at GNU Radio, is this difficult?

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