Many of us have and love the Intel ATOM 330 boards we have. I have 3 of them! I want to ask those who do not see an immediate need for them but are thinking about getting one for SDR purposes, I want to tell you that "better things are arriving" as always.

The Nvidia ION will address almost 100% of the few gripes with the D945GCLF2 and D945GCLF (Intel Mobo) computers. The intel graphics chip, 3D/2D acceleration, is okay, but it is not great. The D945GCLF2 addressed the desire for 64 bit OS, but we still had pretty slow memory supporting slow DDR2. Unhappy with the PC VGA connector on the Intel? The Nvidia ION has HDMI output and 7.1 audio!

The Nvidia ION address both of these shortcomings. The Nvidia ION has a memory of Nvidia's very impressive GPU's with the GEO Force (9300/9400) family. It is also supports DDR3 memory. Both of these factors will represent MAJOR improvements in the performance.

Please, if you have not already purchased the Intel ATOM motherboards, hold up a bit. There is nothing wrong with the $80-$90 motherboards you currently have but these new ones will represent bit steps in the right direction. HOWEVER, for those folks who want to build an small board computer for supporting the Flex family of firewire devices, the Intel motherboards are your only choice. You need the PCI slot to get the firewire support.

For those of us who want to support USB 2.0 or better yet, GigE, the Nvidia ION will provide more IO ports than the Intel motherboard and has the other advantages already mentioned here. You will need an external drive case to hold the drives as the eSata ports are on the back of the motherboard for Nvidia ION.

So, no firewire needed? better memory and graphics needed? HDMI needed or desired? Wait for the Nvidia ION motherboards to become available to you in the second quarter of this year in desktops and motherboards. The ASUS N10Jc notebook are, or soon will be available.


(Co)Author: DttSP, Quiktrak, PowerSDR, GnuRadio Member: ARRL, AMSAT, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
"It is human nature to think wisely and act in
an absurd fashion.", Anatole France.
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