On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:02:45PM -0800, Trevor Bosaw wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm trying to set up a transmitter that simply broadcasts voice (AM  
> quality is fine) over a range of a few miles.  It would be implemented  
> in developing world situations, such as rural India or Africa, and  
> therefore must be constructed with very cheap hardware.  We currently  
> have selected a suitable computer to deal with the software necessities 
> (saving and queueing audio files to be transmitted), but what other 
> hardware is necessary for the transmission?  I am new to gnu-radio, and 
> can probably convince the sponsor to pay for a USRP for research 
> purposes, but of course this definitely would not be able to be used in 
> the actual implementation.
> Trevor

A simpler, cheaper route is to use one of Ramsey (or somebody else's)
low power transmitters.  E.g., FM30B or FM100B



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