On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 06:49:21PM -0500, Jakub Moskal wrote:
> Hello,
> I am debating whether to buy USRP or USRP2.. Is there any progress on
> the USRP2 drivers for the Mac OS X? It seems that the USRP2 FAQ hasn't
> been updated for a while - as far as this issue is concerned.

Nothing has been done with regard to the USRP2 on any platform other
than Linux.  When we get some time, we'll eventually be converting the
USRP2 to use a VRT (VITA-49) compliant format on the wire.  We have
agreed on the format of the IF data packets.  The context packets and
control protocol still need design work, though some preliminary ideas
have been kicked around in some face to face meetings.  Once that it
sorted out would be a good time for somebody to make it run on OS/X.
Although not yet decided, the new interface may be UDP, which could
make it easier.

You are of course free to make it work now.  Just know that we're
going to make incompatible changes to the host, firmware, FPGA and
wire interface in the code in the trunk.  The 3.2 release and 3.2
stable branch will keep the interface we're currently using.

> Thanks,
> Jakub.


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