Josh Blum <josh <at>> writes:
> Also, I am concerned that the gl fftsink aborted/segfaulted. Can you run 
> the flow graph in gdb and send the traceback?
I thought you were interested in some debugging of this Problem.
If not i will not go any further in this point.

So i used <pdb>(Python Debugger) in Emacs and tried to find out
the Bug. I did some break Points and can execute my Python Code
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf8
Title:Mehrfrequentes Impulsmessverfahren mit FPGA-
gestützten SDR-(Software definded radio)-Komponenten.
Beschreibung: Mit Hilfe dieses Programmes soll ein
mehrfrequentes Impulsmessverfahren entwickelt werden,
womit Teilentladungen an Hochspannungsisolationen
nachgewiesen werden können.


__title__='Mehrfrequentes Impulsmessverfahren'
__author__='Markus Feldmann'
__version__='Diplom WS08/09 Ver.:2009-02-27-01'

from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio.wxgui import fftsink2

<gdb> doesn't know python code?

If i execute my Code line b line than i have to wait very long.
Any ideas ?

Regards markus

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