Scenario 3 - An arbitrary number of USRP2 systems, no MIMO cables,
no HUB
Some means of providing the same 10 MHz reference to all USRP2 systems
must be set up. Typically this would be the 10 MHz output of some lab
reference like a GPS-locked reference. That reference would be put
through some sort of active splitter, and fed into all the USRP2s by
connector on the front panel
Some means of providing the same time reference to all USRP2 systems
also needed. This would normally be a 1 PPS signal generated by the
reference. It will need to go through some sort of active splitter and
If the 1 pps signal were a square wave, pulse width 200 ms, with an
accuracy of +-130 ns with respect to UTC, would that work with the
current firmware installed in the U2?
Also, might an coax F-type active splitter (prob. intended for TV)
work? Or is there an active splitter you can suggest that would work
for sure?
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